(English version see below)
Q-Link 現推出不定時購物推廣優惠,是此優惠買一送一只限於購買Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant 亞克力吊墜產品。
由即日起至2020年12月15日止,凡購買任何一款Q-Link SRT-3 Acrylic 吊墜,即可免費選擇及獲取價值相等或以下的 Q-Link Arrylic SRT-3 吊墜,以價低者為準,並在美國境內免費送貨!
Q-Link在人體的生物場及身體上起了正面的作用 ,適合長期使用電腦或手提電話人士,或工作環境處於高輻射狀態人士。佩戴Q-Link吊墜沒有時間限制,日間或晚間睡眠時段都可以佩戴。最佳位置是佩戴在胸前,但亦可放在褲袋內,尤其是右褲袋。
Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant 亞克力吊墜
實色系列: USD99.95
半透明色系列: USD109
光面色系列: USD115
重量 : 6g
呎吋 : 36mm (W) x 37mm (H) x 3mm (D)
想了解有關 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 亞克力吊墜的原理及好處,請瀏覽以下網頁。
要使用此特別優惠,您必須從此連結進入Q-Link官方網站,並在您的購物車中至少添加選擇 2 個 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 亞克力吊墜。只要您的購物車中至少有兩個亞克力吊墜,其中一個便會顯示為免費。如果您將四個亞克力吊墜添加到購物車,其中兩個便㑹顯示為免費,如此類推。
隨著聖誕假期即將到來,您可籍此機會以此優惠為自己及親友選購 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 吊墜為聖誕禮物🎁,不但可以為自己購買心儀的 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 吊墜,亦可以將 Q-Link 的好處分享給他人,讓更多人得以受惠。
此獨家推廣優惠將在12月15日星期二美國東部標準時間午夜結束,把握優惠期,為自己及親友選購 Q-Link Acrylic SRT3 吊墜,提升正能量。
是此優惠只適用於 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3實色系列、半透明色系列、及光面色系列。
優惠適用於結帳時在 "Discount, Affliate, or Q-Link Showroom code" 欄位內輸入"LOVEART" 代碼,然後按 "Apply"。
若選擇不同價格的 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 亞克力吊墜時,購物車內會顯示價格較低的亞克力吊墜為免費產品。 例如:如果購物車中有一個半透明色系列的翡翠亞克力吊墜(零售價109.00美元)和一個實色系列的黑色亞克力吊墜(零售價99.95美元),Q-Link會以定價109美元的半透明翡翠色亞克力吊墜為收費產品,而實色系列的黑色亞克力吊墜則顯示為免費產品(0.00美元)。
若購買較高數量倍數的 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 吊墜,Q-Link結帳系統只會顯示相同或較低的零售價為免費產品。例如,若購物車中有 4 個亞克力吊墜,其中 2 個相同或較低零售價產品將被顯示為免費。 如果購物車中有 6 個亞克力吊墜,系統則會顯示其中 3 個相同或較低的零售價為免費產品等等。
若購物車中有單數數量的 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 吊墜,例如 5個,系統則㑹以最貴的 3 個顯示為收費產品,而其餘 2 個相同或較便宜的吊墜則不㑹顯示費用。
過多訂購數量的 Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 訂單可能會被拒絕接受。
所有價格以 Q-Link 網站為準。
有關是此 Q-Link 推廣優惠的詳細產品資料,可瀏覽Q-Link官方網站。
有關是此 Q-Link Acrylic SRT3 亞克力吊墜產品系列推廣優惠的詳細產品資料,可按此連結瀏覽。
Q-Link SRT-3 Acrylic Pendent Special Promotion
Q-Link is now launching an irregular shopping promotion offer. This special offer Buy One Get One Free is limited to the purchase of Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant products.
For a limited time only, from now till 15 Dec 2020, for every Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant you purchase, you will be able not only to select and receive another of equal or lesser value at no charge, but also to receive complimentary shipping within the USA!
Q-Link plays a positive role in the biological field and body of the human body. It is suitable for people who use computers or mobile phones for a long time, or people who work in a high radiation state. There is no time limit to wear the Q-Link pendant, and you can wear it during the day or night at sleeping time. The best position to wear the pendent is on the chest, but it can also be placed in the trouser pocket, especially the right trouser pocket.
Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant
Price:USD99.95 to USD115 (depending on collection)
Solid Color series: USD99.95
Translucent color series: USD109
Gloss color series: USD115
Accessory:36 inches length adaptable cord
Weight: 6g
Dimension: 36mm (W) x 37mm (H) x 3mm (D)
Warranty:1 year
To take advantage of this excellent offer, you must click through to the Official Q-Link Website FROM THIS LINK and add at least TWO (2) Acrylic Pendants of your choice to your cart. As long as there are at least TWO (2) Acrylic Pendants in your cart, ONE (1) will display at no charge. If you add FOUR (4) Acrylic Pendants to your cart, then TWO (2) of those will be displayed at no charge. And so on.
With the holiday season upon us, this is a timely opportunity to get the Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant you have been wanting and/or to gift the many benefits of Q-Link to others including deserving loved ones, family members, friends and associates. This exclusive promotion begins NOW and will end at Midnight EST on Tuesday, December 15th.
Remarks for this special promotion:
This Buy One Get One promotion applies ONLY to Q-Link Acrylic SRT-3 solid color, translucent and gloss pendant models.
This special price offer is applied during order checkout to input "LOVEART" code in the box showing "Discount, Afflite, or Q-Link Showroom code", and then click "Apply".
If Acrylic Pendants of differing retail values are present in the cart, the lesser priced Acrylic Pendant is designated as the free product. For example: If there is one Translucent Jade Acrylic Pendant ($109.00 retail value) and one Black Acrylic Pendant ($99.95 retail value) in the cart, the Translucent Jade Acrylic Pendant is priced at $109, and the Black Acrylic Pendant is priced at $0.00.
If higher multiples of Acrylic Pendants are purchased, only those with same or lesser retail value will show at no cost. For instance, if there are 4 Acrylic Pendants in the cart, 2 of those (of the same or lesser retail value) will show at no cost. If there are 6 Acrylic Pendants in the cart, 3 of those (of the same or lesser retail value) will show at no cost. And so on.
If an odd number of Acrylic Pendants are present in the cart, for instance 5, then the 3 most expensive will show at full price, and the 2 least expensive will show at no cost.
Orders containing excessive quantities of Acrylic Pendants may be declined.
All prices are subject to Q-Link website.
Official Q-Link Website for this special promotion, click this URL:
Acrylic SRT-3 Pendant collection page for this special promotion, click this URL: